About Me

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So Who am I?...I am the husband of one terrific wife and the father of two boys, both of whom have autism. I have been in the Marines for over 15 years and in that time ( and in my own growing up) I have seen, done and experienced a great multitude of things. Which is why I call myself Diverse Dad. My user name is a mix of a Toby Mac song and a reflection on a lot of different life experiences that have helped me grow and help others through similar situations. I can be pretty hyper sometimes and my wife often accuses me of being ADD. Other than that I see myself as a pretty normal dad who is trying to raise children with Godly Christian character in a world that seems to scream otherwise. By blogging I hope to offer words of encouragement to my fellow dads specifically and all people in general. Secondly by going through the pages of others, I hope to gain knowledge and ideas that can help my family and I. So feel free to comment good, bad or otherwise and share your thoughts...God Bless and I hope you enjoy!
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Ship Never Came In

Well the last time I was here, I was speaking of great plans to see a replica of the Santa Maria and the Pinta. Unfortunately, due to weather, they never arrived so we needed some impromptu planning for Memorial Day. I took my eldest son for a good bike ride to the river front where we walked around and spent some good quality time together. We followed that up by some good old American grilling and going for a nice family stroll together. And thanks to the long weekend I was afforded the opportunity of a short work week. Which led into this weekend which has had it's ups and downs. Yesterday we lost power on our street for about six hours. After a little research and much grumbling on my part, we unfortunately had to discard a large quantity of food. The biggest thorn was I had gone grocery shopping about two hours prior. Combine that with being a warm Carolina day and the majority of the food I purchased had to be tossed. Secondly, I am kicking myself for not getting ice after the three hour mark. Once I cooled down over it I realized it could of been worse and no use crying over spoiled milk. Today was a good day as I spent some great time with the kids today (and the wife too). I cannot stress though how important it is to spend that quality time with the kids though. I am sure we all have busy and hectic lives but if we do not take the time to appreciate those that matter most to us...then why do we do what we do? I mean what is the point of providing material and lacking the personal. I know I may appear to be rambling but if you fall into the category of more work than play please listen. Several years ago, I worked too much on my professional life and not enough in my personal. In the end, I was too busy or too tired to enjoy my family. Which is crazy, the last time I checked my kids didn't ask for me to be their dad. No, God entrusted that to me, and I was screwing it up. There are events in my life I can not control (deployments) but I need to use the time I do have with my family wisely and affectionately. First, I don't want to be seen as the forgotten father but more importantly who is going to demonstrate how a man should conduct himself if I am never present. I do not want my children learning their values from the television or some other influence. Most importantly, what I am saying to God about something he entrusted so dearly to me. Well, I need to get ready for the nightly routine. I quit trying to be such a slacker and be back more often. Until next time, may you invest that quality time with your kids and may you reap greatly on your investment.

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