Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy New Year...Well It's Almost Here
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's That Time of the Year....Christmas
Yes! It is that time of the year again for that wonderful holi-day Christmas. I know I hyphenated holiday, for you see, it really is a Holy day. The day we celebrate the birth of the One who has saved us from being eternally separated from Him. I know commercialism often takes over but we really need to remember the Reason for the Season. I know it is my favorite holiday, not only for the BIG reason but also for the little ones. I am always distracted and off focus during this time of the year and in a bad way. Several years ago I was on Recruiting Duty in Illinois and every December I never was able to enlist anyone into the Marine Corps. I did just fine in January and prior to, I just could do nothing in December. I am still the same today…I mean I am in a great mood and full of energy I just lack focus. Well, let us move on…. This weekend was the grand decorating weekend preparing for the season. I helped my oldest son put up the Christmas tree in his bedroom, put up the village, strung a new set of lights on a bough for my wife and put up the outside decorations, which was a challenge. As you may recall, we moved back in July and all the decorations were set up for the other house. All the boughs and lights were measured out exactly for the roofline of our old house. So that had to be thought out all over again and a lot of deliberating of exactly what I wanted to do (icicle lights or LED lights with boughs and bows, I went with the latter). After they fell off the roof three times, I believe I got a solid solution to ensure they stay in place. I guess I will find out in due time. After that was done I climbed the tree next to the house and strung it with color lights (probably not enough) and put a bough and lights on the bench swing. To wrap everything up, I set up the inflatable snow globe (Charlie Brown and Snoopy with a tree in case you were wondering) and tucked all the cords out of sight. Call me retentive but I hate to see exposed extension cords so I do my best to hide them. Well that is enough for tonight…until next time, may the Lord of Peace be with you and your loved ones. Below are a couple of snap-shots of my wife's creativity. Pretty good isn't she?
A picture of the book case all decorated, those lanterns work for all seasons
A advent calender my wife made for our youngest son...Pretty cool isn't it? No, she didn't make extras.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Words of Wisdom?
Yes, I am back once again with words of wisdom and good fortune to all…okay…maybe not. It did sound rather profound and enlightening did it not? As mentioned in an earlier post, I would like to take this opportunity to give a brief update of the last couple of months since I was on a period of absence. This is kind of funny, because other than some headaches at work, all I can really remember is some good old fashioned family time. There were two that were really great and both surrounded the notion of obtaining pumpkins from a place called Mike’s Farm. My family and I do not celebrate Halloween, but we do enjoy what has become our annual trip to the farm, get on the hayride and pick out our pumpkins. At any rate, the first outing did not go so well. They had the largest crowd I have ever witnessed and my youngest son does not do crowds. So it was going to be Mom and Tyler to the rescue and get our pumpkins. Unfortunately, there were different lines for the restaurant, the hayride, the gift shop and the ticket sales for the hayride. Even worse the lines had no clear definition and one could easily wind up in the wrong line….which my wife did. She and Tyler waited in line for quite some time before it was noticed. They gave up on the pumpkin idea for the day, so they thought they would give the gift shop a try but that line too was impenetrable. So we opted to look at the different farm animals and call it a day and we would try again another day. My wife having awesome insight, realized Tyler and I have not had some good dad and son time. So the following Saturday I took Tyler to breakfast at I-Hop and following that we headed back to the farm to get our pumpkins…and the mission was a success, not to mention I was able to get some homemade fudge as a bonus. The best part was just being able to have some good one on one time with my son. Which I think is important, family time as a whole is a necessity, but I feel it is equally important to build solid bonds with each member individually. Well that’s a wrap before this goes on for too long. In closing, let me say, if we are spending time and developing our children, who (or what) is. Until next time…..
Today’s Quote: Family happiness is homemade.
The crowd at Mike's Farm the first go-around
Round 2, Can you see the difference?
As you can see, the second trip was a lot less busy. As a matter of fact we were the second family in line for the hay ride. Which is what the next picture is of, the hayride itself, following that is Tyler "driving" a tractor.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Marines!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It's Been a While, I Know
Surprise! Yes, I am still alive and kicking. Once again I do not have a really good reason for being away for so long. Work has been pretty hectic but that is really not a good reason. Although as result of the craziness at work, I must admit, my moods have been on a bumpy road. I won’t go into details but let’s just say they are times when I wonder what I was thinking! As I mentioned in an earlier post though, I have no one to blame but myself. I am thinking though it will start improving in the next few weeks as I will have more opportunities to do more actual teaching and less administrative duties. I have always preferred working rather than shuffling papers and going to meetings. I guess I should of remembered that a couple of months ago. Other than that and my foot, my life is pretty blessed. As a matter of fact today it has been one year since I returned from Afghanistan. As for my foot it isn’t that big of deal, it appears I have a pinched nerve in my foot and if the current treatments do not work it will require surgery (that does not really appeal to me). With me being a Marine though it is kind of important (required actually) that I not only be able to walk to do my duties but as you may know Marines like to run too. That is really hard to do with a bum foot. Well this is a short post, I will be back later (not 2 months either) with more updates.
Friday, August 21, 2009
What a Week
This has definitely been a week of ups and downs. Unfortunately, it seemed to have more downs than ups. It started out well…on Monday I reenlisted for 3 more years, which will take me to 21 years of service in the Marines. My wife was presented a Certificate of Appreciation for her unfailing support and understanding during my career. As nice as it was, I still think words can ever justify the great person she is for the sacrifices she (and my children) have made during my career. Other than that it hasn’t been so great. Right now my eldest, who has recently begun his teen years, has been challenging the limits and the patience of his parents. I fully understand this is a normal process and I was probably much worse at his age….I guess I am just being selfish and not wanting to go through the process. I am learning from it though so there is a good side to it. The other ups and downs stem from my work. I have a small instructor staff that works for me and I am ecstatic that professionally we are agreeable on almost all points. From a professional stand point that is great, it makes my job that much easier. From a personal stand point I am struggling…part of my responsibility is to be there as a mentor/advisor with personal issues. Unfortunately I have strong moral opinions contrary to a couple of issues and I am trying desperately to find the right words to say. I don’t want to come across like I am judging them (because I am not) , yet I am compelled to help them, especially when it concerns unborn children and marriage. I do want to end this on a positive note though….so here it goes. If you notice on my blog, there is a new widget on my blog for It is a Christian store that sells some pretty cool stuff. I have already gotten a pretty bold T-shirt from them at the tobyMac concert I went to. I also have recently ordered some vinyl stickers for my car. I highly recommend them and if you wish to check them out just click on the widget. So if you are looking for something that’s stylish, makes a bold statement for your faith, from clothes to jewelry, check them out. I believe you will be glad you did. Well that is about it for tonight. Just remember challenges come and challenges go but without challenges we would never grow. Good Night!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Family Time is a Good Thing!
As I mentioned in my previous entry, the football season is almost upon us and my family and I have been enjoying the pre-season games. As a matter of fact, my wife and I are currently watching the Charger vs. Seahawk game. Unfortunately, my wife is disgruntled because the Chargers already took Phillip Rivers out. I offered my opinion that all the quarterbacks deserve an opportunity to play. I won’t go into details but her response was very critical of the backup quarterback for the Chargers. We (my family) are primarily Panther fans but I believe my wife secretly appreciates the Chargers more. Don’t tell her I said that. I think more importantly than the football games themselves, is that fact that we took time not only to “recharge out batteries”, but spent time enjoying time together and having sharing opinions and thought on something we enjoy. Actually my youngest son just likes to hang out. As far as physical accomplishments today, my wife was quite industrious today and accomplished quite a bit today…me I just vacuumed a little and gave my son a bath this morning. I am happy for my eldest as he played with some of our new neighbors today. Before we moved there weren’t any kids in his age group and some mocked him for being homeschooled. The kids he played with today actually thought that my son’s homeschooling was cool because he didn’t have to walk to school. You really have to appreciate the honesty of children. I guess the overall essence of this entry is, as I have mentioned before, spending time with your family is critical to a family’s foundation. Unfortunately, time is the one thing we cannot buy more of or get back…I learned that lesson the hard way a few years ago when I was focused on being the best I could at work but not so much at home. I fell victim to the misnomer that a man’s primary mission is to provide for the family. Well, actually that is true but not in the sense that we often think. Our primary provision should be love, compassion, knowledge and our time. Dads, if you are reading this… I offer this advice…I truly believe your kids would rather have you than all the material things. Well, I guess I should wrap this up. Until next time, may the Lord provide the footing for all your steps.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Latest Happenings
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Picking Up from my Last Entry...
Let’s see, where did I leave off? Oh yes, starting a new position in the Marine Corps. Originally after all my Osprey training was complete, I was supposed to return to my previous unit. There was just one little hiccup. One of the Marines who worked for me, got promoted to the same rank as I. I am extremely happy for the man, but on the down side the squadron rates only one person at my rank for our section. So, I had to start looking for a new home (which I have learned it pays to be proactive in that area. That way, if I wind up somewhere that isn’t my cup of tea, I have no one to blame but me). I did some looking and discovered that the position for the Airframes supervisor at the formal training school for the Osprey was going to be available soon, since the current one is getting ready to retire. So after making requests to their people and my people, I was given a reporting date of 3 August. Not so bad because it is on the same base that I am on now. I do however feel very blessed by our Creator. Just a month ago I was pretty sure I was going back to play in the sand (Afghanistan) in less than a year. Then you think of the strain it puts on the family, especially having two children with autism. More so, I believe the strain on my wife. It is hard enough for both of us to keep up the pace around here at times. I could not even fathom doing it alone. She is quite the special woman. I am pretty excited about the new job though. It will be a new experience for me but more importantly, I will finally have some good family time. I should wrap this up, just let me say this. Don’t worry about the mistakes from the past, learn and move on. Do not worry about tomorrow, because no matter how much you plan there is still uncertainty. But, live everyday for what is, a gift, that is why it is called the present. Below are a couple of pictures. One is the grand daddy of aircraft, the Phrog and following that is its replacement, the Osprey. My apologies for the choppiness, I guess I am more tired than I thought. Until next time, may you find peace and comfort.
Above, one of my squadron's Phrogs in Afghanistan, below the Osprey.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Busy, Busy, Busy !!!!
No really, it is the truth! Once our trip for Virginia was over with, we started making preparations for moving. Did I ever mention, how much I love moving? I should almost be a proffesional by now, since I have moved six times in the last 18 years, two of those in the last two years! Actually this one went pretty smoothly compared to the others. I think the best thing my wife and I did this time is we didn't let it control our family's life. Nomally when we move , we go full bore until it is done, which results in missed meals ( or just as bad poor ones), kids routines messed up, and somewhere by all parties involved, a good version of their own breakdown! No, this time we took our time and although it took longer than usual, I think everyone fared much better. I picked up the keys on the 10th of July and two weeks later, we are almost done. All that is left is: the fence, swing set, trampoline, and a few more boxes. Did you notice how I saved all the fun stuff for the end? Well, that is all for tonight, between work, moving and old age (turned 37 yesterday) I am pretty worn out. Next week starts a new job positon for me in the Marine Corps, but that will be another entry. Until next time, may peace be with you and your loved ones. Good Night! I also posted a couple pics of the new house. Now for real this time, Good Night!
Needs a little yard work
Living Room Area, doesn't it look cozy?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
I have been slacking, I know :)
Well, I know, I have been slacking! I wish I had a good reason but I really don't so I won't make one up. It has been busy around here but not that busy. Since I haven't posted anything since late May, I will pick up there (or pretty close at least). In June, my in-laws came down for their semi-annual visit and celebrated our son's 13th birthday as well. It wasn't a huge celebration since we were saving the big part for late June to go see Toby Mac and others at Busch Gardens (more on that later). Where was I, oh yes, in-laws visiting. Overall it was a very nice time. My wife took her mother for a ladies day out and enjoyed lunch and had planned on going shopping. I say planned because my wife's car a 2003 Taurus had died on her in the parking lot. I must say they both handled the situation very well. My father-in-law went to pick them up while I watched the kids. Afterwards, he and I went to look at the car. We were able to jump start it and I drove it home. I did a little troubleshooting and all things pointed to a bad alternator. Which is kind of hard to believe, I mean the car is an '03 but it only has 20,000 miles (my wife doesn't drive much). I bought the alternator and after several hours of frustration her car was up and running again. Now back to the birthday part. My wife (the awesome baker/cook that she is) made my son a cake that looked like an Oreo cookie. It was delicious! Overall it was a good birthday for my son and excellent time with family. Shortly afterwards we got notification we would be moving houses due to renovations (military housing on base). With address in hand, my family and I checked out our future new location. The house in itself looked very nice but the location was not so great. Where we live now, it is a quieter area, with a small woods behind, good yard space and distance from neighbors. Allowing for a good play area for my kids and security for my youngest. Unfortunately, our new location had the exact opposite: Very busy (a stone's throw from the Community Center), short drive way (too close to the street), a busy street, and minimal yard. However, we have learned to trust God in all things and figured there was a reason. So we began making plans...then I learned my neighbor and co-worker was assigned a house in what my wife and I deemed as ideal. So after speaking with him, he said he would be willing to, if the assignment office agreed. So I went and spoke with the office, explaining how it would be better security and peace of mind for my youngest son. They agreed to it, so now we have a new location which is almost identical to where we live now. If any of you out there have children with autism, I am sure you can understand how important keeping things the same is. I know in our situation, when we moved here two years ago, it took us about six months for everything to settle down due to the diffrences in house lay-out and area. It wasn't a pretty sight. Well now on to the exciting stuff. As mentioned earlier, I took Tyler to Busch Gardens for a Toby Mac concert. We left on Saturday morning and arrived late afternoon. After getting settled in to the hotel, we went and looked around historic Williamsburg and had dinner. We returned to the hotel with hopes of going into the pool but settled for strolling around the area. The next morning we woke up early and headed back to historic Williamsburg to pick up a souvenir for the wife, who appreciates early American history. I was able to pick up a set of antique candle lanterns(at least replicas of them) for her and a couple of battery powered flickering candles for them. From there we headed over to the hotel to grab supplies for an all day outing and headed for Bush Gardens. We arrived as the park was opening and proceeded inside. The concert (our real reason for being there) wasn't going to start until 4 p.m. So we enjoyed the sights and looked at everything the park has to offer. At about 2:30 we headed over to the concert area and noticed it was getting crowded so we went in. First up was Brandon Heath (who did an excellent job),
next was Mandisa
(she was excellent as well although my son wasn't pleased with her old school stuff and wanted to hear more of her album music, and then it was tobyMac,
who both my son and I enjoy very much. We both were able to get a T-shirt and had an excellent time. Which is really where I want to appeal to Dad's: Dads please listen, it isn't what you do that builds the memory for your child, it is being there that builds the memory. Last night for instance was the 4th of July celebration. Last year I wasn't able to take Tyler since I was in Afghanistan with fire works of my own. Last night though, we hopped in my truck and went to the local fire works. We waited for about an hour for them to begin and in that time we just talked. It wasn't anything fancy but it was important for my son and me as well. As I have mentioned before, if we do not take the time to teach and spend time with our children, someone else will. Well, I should wrap this up. We start moving on the 10th of this month and there is much to do. Yesterday I took down the swing set and the trampoline and that alone was an all day affair...So if I am not back for a few will be alright I am just trying to move. Less than a month after that I start a new job position in the Marine Corps. Sometimes life just seems a little crazy! Until next time may the peace of God be with you and may you follow his calling. Before I go though, another couple of pics from Busch Gardens.
Tyler on the slide above and on the rope bridge below
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My Ship Never Came In
Friday, May 29, 2009
Memorial Day Plans
Well tomorrow is Memorial day and my wife planned, what I believe, to be an exciting day. We are going to see/tour floating replicas of the Nina and Pinta, which hopefully will be in our area tomorrow. They were scheduled to be here on Friday but they are very reliant on the weather so they are a little behind schedule. My eldest son was not very excited about going until he discovered we are actually going to go on the ships. Now he is all excited and is even asking to bring his camera. It will be about an hour drive there and wanting to make the most of the day, we will probably get an early start. With that said I will be cutting this entry short. Before I go, I wanted to share one item. Friday afternoon, before out dismissal for the weekend there was a military appreciation day on our base. The neat thing was they had some aviation assets of a bygone era. Specifically the Corsair from WWII days, an H-34 from Viet Nam, a WWII era bomber and some others. They also had some drag racing cars, I believe they were 60's era Nova's/ Chevy II's. The cars were called Fueled by the Fallen and it had the names of everyone who has made the ultimate sacrifice I believe between Iraq and Afghanistan. I will enclose pictures below. If you look at the car and see all those names, please take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice not only that they made but their family as well. For not only were they Marines, they were someones son, husband and/or father. Or someones daughter, wife and/or mother. Then please say a short prayer for those who continue to stand in harms way. Believe it or not, your support does mean a lot. I wish you all the best and may you have a very enjoyable Memorial Day!
Below is the car I mentioned and below that is a Marine Corsair from WWII
Friday, May 22, 2009
Diverse Entry
I know...strange title, It is because I have not blogged in a while and there are a lot of areas I would like to cover. Then again, it is pretty late, so we will have to wait and see how far I get. To any and all moms who may read my ramblings, it is my sincere hope that you all enjoyed your Mother's Day. Now, Memorial Day is upon us, an I would ask that my readers take the time this weekend to remember those who have fallen in defense of our country and those that defend her today. Especially today with as busy as our military is. I cannot speak for the other services (although I know they are just as committed and busy). For us in the Marines we are pretty busy. To give an idea, I returned from Afghanistan this past November after being there for eight months and I will be returning again in the not too distant future. To all my fellow service members, I pray that your family will be safe in your absence and that you will return to them safely. I thank you for your sacrifices and those of your family...I know it is not easy...but you are never alone. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend. Let's move on... other than that life is been the pretty much the same. I was actually able to help my wife out with homeschooling the other day ( and the last couple of days). I was pretty excited as I do not get to help very often. My oldest son is studying vitamins and minerals and what effect they have on the body. My wife found this neat resource that made it really interesting, it is making the different items into superheros and giving a brief description about their specifics. I was tasked with creating super heroes that match the item. I will try and post a few of my favorites further on. The images may get distorted, mostly the lettering that is black with a green colored glow. I do not remember the resource for the work sheet, but if anyone is interested, just let me know and I will get it. Well that is about it for tonight,and it is getting late. I will continue with part II tomorrow (hopefully). Until then, may the Lord guide you and keep you!
And 1 More.....
I hope you enjoy them... I made more but those are my three favorites.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mother's Day Is Almost Here!!! (Hint, Hint)
Well, that special day is almost here. That one day a year where children shower their Mom's with praise for the wonderful persons they are. Which we as husbands, I think, take for granted too often. Well I know I do at times....Just a little pondering here but what if we treated our wives like it was Mothers day / Anniversary / Birthday every day? What if we took time out of our day and let the woman in our lives know how much they mean to us? What if we pursued and showed the interest we did when we were dating our wives? I would have to believe that marriages would be stronger, I believe our sons would see how a woman should be treated and do the same when they got married, I believe our daughters would know what to look for in a husband... It's been said a society is no stronger than a single family. So if we strengthen our families we can strengthen our society as well. Not to mention I think our divorce rate would drop significantly. Think about it men.. we have a golden opportunity to straighten out our mixed up and confused world. The Bible tells us that men should be leaders of their household. That does not imply however a dictatorship. What if God treated us like, we at times treat our families. Imagine: God comes home from work and is really frustrated with the world and he takes it out on me. I would think that would be unfair.. yet there are times I come home from work and vent my frustrations on the people who only deserve my love and affection. I am thankful that they do not hold it against me. I am even more thankful that God does not do the same to me. Well give it some thought men, the world would be a much better place if we would do our part. Well, that's about it... but do not forget to show your appreciation for all the wonderful things that your wife not only does for your children but for you as well. Below are some one liners that may help you think or may make you laugh. I hope you enjoy....
- God is the only third party in a marriage that can make it work.
- A happy wife sometimes has the best husband but more often makes the best of the husband she has.
- Some husbands lay down the law and then accept their wife's amendments.
-Courtship is that time during which the female decides whether or not she can do any better.
-Before criticizing your wife's/husband's faults, remember that they may have prevented her/him from getting a better husband/wife.
- Too many marry for better or worse, but not for good.
- Husband to wife: "Stick to your washing, cooking, ironing and scrubbing. No wife of mine is going to work!"
- Many girls marry men just like their fathers; then people wonder why their mothers cry at the wedding.
- A honeymoon is the vacation a man takes before going to work for a new boss.
- The thing that married men will never understand is why all bachelors aren't rich.
Well that is all... until next time, may you love your family as unconditionally as God loves you.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Wouldn't Change a Thing
I was just thinking (I know I shouldn't), I wouldn't change a thing when it comes to having children with autism. There are so many people out there who want to "cure" their child's autism or not accept it all. Not to offend anyone, but I do not think that is possible. They may cope with their disability better but it will never go away. As for my boys, I do not think I would want to in the first place. God made them who they are for a reason and a purpose, as he made all of us that way. Take my youngest for example. He is non verbal and cognitively very low functioning on the autism spectrum. And people out there see it as he is unable to do anything, what they would deem productive. However I tend to disagree. As I watch him, he enjoys his life very much and it does not take much for him to enjoy himself. How many people do we know that have quite the material stock pile, yet are still unhappy. I won't stop there though...he has also taught me a lot about myself (some of it wasn't pretty) and a lot about patience.He has taught me not to judge others, no matter of the circumstances, too quickly. Or lets take my eldest son, who is high functioning autistic and so intelligent it is just plain scary sometimes. He can literally do math in his head before I can complete it on paper. He also has a very energetic personality and is very compassionate about his convictions and beliefs. He doesn't live in a gray world, it is pretty much black and white. I think about that, isn't that how God sees things. There is no grey with God, it is pretty much black and white with Him too! There is not a sin that is OK as long as it is in a certain context. Unfortunately, even for myself at times, the lines of definition are blurred and it isn't very clear. I like to think of my eldest son as a reality check from God. When I am not patient enough to listen to Him he interjects through my son. Well that is what I think, to summarize everything, I wouldn't change a thing. Well that is enough for now. Next time, lets talk about Mothers day. Below are a couple pictures of the kids. Also one of my Cougar that I talked about in previous entries. Until next time, may you always choose the narrow gate.
My youngest checking out his brothers keyboard(he loves music)
My eldest being happy
And finally a picture of the car.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A Brief Message
Well, it has been a while since I have updated so I thought I would take a couple of minutes and give a brief update. The weather here has been positively beautiful this week. The only draw back has been is the havoc it has been playing with my allergies. It is like a bad love/hate relationship. I love this time of year because the temperatures are right at what my wife calls my comfort zone, and I really enjoy being outside. I hate the after affects though. Well other than that though life is going well. I continue to make progress on learning the different systems of the Osprey and I am also getting to spend good time with the family. I especially enjoy our evening walks. Our family dog gets a little hyper on them though. It seems when she spots a squirrel, she feels the need to try everything to greet the furry creature. The only problem is, that she takes my eldest son places he does not really want to go and a couple of times he has gotten scraped up in the process. Now my son blames the squirrels for it. He is quite the loyal friend to his dog. Let's see...what else... I had the windshield on my Cougar replaced on Thursday. The day I bought it, I was driving it home and a semi had cut me off. In the process he hurled a stone at my windshield leaving an impact the same shape of the stone. I didn't worry about it until it started spreading. During that process, the technician installing had pulled off the plastic panels below the windshield. Underneath the panels is a good sized, rectangular area. And in that area, was a little green frog about 2 inches long. I have yet to figure out how he got in there in the first place. On Thursday I picked up our chest freezer from Sears. It was much needed since our house supplied refrigerator's freezer is super small. So small in fact, it seemed like every time you opened it, something was trying to jump out at you. Yesterday was the good family day. I was able to bounce on the trampoline with my wife and youngest son, went for our walk and basically just hung out. I must admit it was pretty nice. Today I watched part of the NFL draft, played Madden with my eldest son, and grilled our dinner. I also actually helped this time with our weekly menu plan and I do believe I picked out some very delicious recipes. My wife started it a while back and I like it a lot for several reasons: It gives you a wide variety of meals, it let's you and your better half decide on something that you both enjoy, it takes away that, "What do you want to eat tonight?", decision(Which my response of whatever gets annoying) and it cuts down on the extra buying at the grocery store because you know what you are going to have when. Well it is way past my bed time (being the old man that I am) so I am going to close this out. Until next time, may the Lord keep you and bless you. I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Another Weekend Passes
Greetings everyone! Well another weekend has come to an end and an enjoyable one it was. I was able to get off work a little early on Friday and I changed the front brakes on my Cougar. It was a little challenging (especially with no repair manual) but it worked out all right. I was also able to clean up the vehicles this weekend and spend some great time with the family. My F-150 was really in need of a cleaning since it has only been cleaned once before since i got back from Afghanistan in November. I debate many a times if I should sell my truck or not. I do not drive it very often but it has been a faithful vehicle since I bought it in 99. It was my primary vehicle for the longest time, I think right up until 2006. That is when my wife, after numerous problems with her Mystique, had gotten her Taurus. I do not know if it was coincedental or not, once i inherited her car it ceased to have problems. She insists that the car only liked me! After I got back from Afghanistan, we decided to donate the Mystique and i replaced it with the Cougar. The truck though, as my wife like to say, is like part of the family. It has always been very reliable and although it has a couple of glitches, it has been good to our family. I will try to put a picture of it further on.
This morning my eldest son and our dog were playing on the trampoline and it was quite amusing. The dog has been so good for him, it is almost hard to believe. This afternoon we went to K-Mart to pick up a couple of things for the old homeschool and some other things as well. Well I suppose I should wrap this up since it is time for bed time stories with the kids and the rest of our nightly routine. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and protect you and stay on the chosen path.
This is my truck redTyler and Lucy playing is below
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter Everyone
Sunday, April 5, 2009
What a Weekend
Greetings and salutations! Well another weekend has past and tomorrow begins another week of work. Actually, for myself I am actually in training to become a MV-22 Osprey Mechanic. For the last 15 years or so, I worked on what is affectionately known as the Phrog, otherwise known as a CH-46E (I will try to put pictures of both). Well after 40+ years of service the Phrog is being phased out and the Osprey is alive and kicking. The Osprey is a "pretty smart" aircraft with some amazing capabilities but I just have grown really fond of the Phrog. There I go rambling again.... Now back to the weekend. I had taken my laptop in to get fixed at Staples on Friday because it was having some serious issues ever since I returned from Afghanistan (November). I picked it up yesterday and it works like a champ. I highly recommend Staples to anyone having computer glitches as I think they are very reasonable, efficient and polite. As for today, I woke up not feeling very well and it all went down hill from there. I feel slightly better and I am praying I feel better before work tomorrow. One thing that doesn't help is that it is allergy season and my eldest son and I suffer terribly. I want to say the best part of the weekend was our family walk on Saturday evening. My eldest walks our dog, Lucy, while I push our youngest son in his stroller (special needs stroller) while I talk with the wife. It is relaxing and everyone enjoys the fresh air. There is something about going for a walk that just seems to release all the hectic and craziness from your life for at least a few minutes. The best part of today was that my wife (whom is probably the best baker in the world) baked some delicious oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. She asked me if I was feeling well enough to try one. Let's be honest, I know few men who turn down any kind of baked goodie! Well I tried three, probably was not the smartest thing but they were so yummy! That is enough for now, until next time, I wish everyone out there I wish you a blessed week and may all your steps be guided on the narrow path.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Greetings to All
My user name is a mix of a Toby Mac song and a reflection on a lot of different life experiences that have helped me grow and help others through similar situations. I can be pretty hyper sometimes and my wife often accuses me of being ADD.